Antique lighting for your period home

Author: Hou

Mar. 07, 2024




Tags: Lights & Lighting

Struggle to find the right antique lighting for your old house?

You’re not alone! If you’re like me, you want lighting that’s practical yet faithful to your house’s history. I’ve discussed the lengths you can go to restoring your home in a previous blog post.

I developed a passion for antique lighting when I moved into my house. You can’t beat an old gas light converted to electricity or an early electric fitting for quality and adding period character.

However, I went a bit crazy with this passion, as this huge Art Nouveau ‘gasolier’ in my former dining room shows (it was a bargain, promise!).

As a result, I made many mistakes during this early spending spree. I have now sold many of these fittings.

Getting the right type of antique lighting style for your home is dependent on its location, status and age as well as the period you’re trying to replicate.

So here’s what I’ve learnt.

Oil vs gas vs electric

Like the VHS vs Betamax video recorder battle of the early 1980s, gas and electric lighting competed to take over from oil light in the early 1900s home.

Gas lighting was ahead in urban working and middle-class homes thanks to the invention of coin-operated gas meters.  

In contrast, the upper classes felt gas was ‘common’, so continued with oil and candle lighting until they installed electricity.

Gas lighting was also a rare feature in rural homes as gas works were based in towns and cities.

Oil lights in a 1950s rural interior

Although Edwardian builders often constructed middle-class houses with electricity, British householders only fully embraced electricity from the 1930s.

Less is more

The Victorians would’ve been dazzled by the light in our homes today as the average gas light or early light bulb was equivalent to a 10-watt bulb, which you can’t even buy now!

Victorians sat directly under a light source when they read or sewed, hence gas lights being positioned over a parlour fireplace or above a kitchen table as shown below.

So don’t be tempted to fill each corner with period-style fittings like a pub!

Above all, people of yesteryear supplemented gas or early electric lighting with oil lamps – a nice extra touch in your drawing room or kitchen.

Antique lighting – status is everything

Some gas lights were elaborate and took on the fashions of the time to appeal to the middle-class market.

For instance, this 1913 Veritas Gas Light Catalogue shows the huge range of lights available in the early 20th century.

However, gas lighting in the working-class home was simple as this slum interior shows.

Upstairs, downstairs

Most urban housing had gas lighting by 1900 but householders used it sparingly due to cost.

People opted for candles or oil lamps to walk to bed, reducing the need for gas lighting upstairs. Above all, Victorians had suspicions about the health impact of gas so often avoided gas lighting in bedrooms.

However, I was lucky enough to find traces of old gas light pipes in my bedrooms. Each room had one fitting off-centre above the fireplace and I’ve placed antique gas lights in these original positions for show.

Furthermore, Victorian house builders often installed bedroom gas lights next to windows to replicate natural light, as this photo shows.

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Downlit gas lights were only widely available after 1905 so true Victorian gas lights were upright (take note museum curators and set designers!).

Downlit swan-neck fittings like this one in my kitchen were particularly popular. Manufacturers made air vents from ceramic, brass or tin, and later produced chrome-plated versions from the 1920s.

One of the earliest and most widely available upright gas burners was a ‘batwing’ as in my third bedroom. It let off a flat gas jet of blue light.

Upright incandescent burners from the 1890s gave out a brighter and cleaner light. For example, I have installed an electric converted version in my parlour.

Updating fittings

The Victorian and Edwardians updated their homes as new technologies became available like we do now. But they often converted their old upright fittings to reduce costs.

For example, I have installed a downlight converter on an upright fitting in my main bedroom.

Keep it low

Above all, the Victorians positioned gas lights much lower than modern lights as they were less powerful.

For instance, a Victorian book on house building recommends mantle lights were installed at five foot from the floor, and hall and bathroom fittings set at six foot.

Low fittings above your fireplace are less of a safety risk, but low central fittings could be dangerous unless you have a table beneath.

Leave them be!

Don’t be afraid to use unconverted gas lights for decoration and supplement them with discreet modern fittings as I have in my bedrooms.

Unfortunately, these rooms originally only had one gas light, so not very practical for modern life!

Antique lighting – summing up

Above all, there are many unconverted gas lights or unsafe old electric fittings available on online auction sites which can be rewired but make sure you get a professional to convert them!

However, I found that gas fittings are not easy to convert as connecting parts need to be drilled out. I used exposed gold wiring for fittings with awkward angles as shown here.

An easier but more expensive alternative is to buy ready-converted fittings from a reputable antique light dealer such as Jones Antique Lighting.

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Lighting in the Victorian Home

Jonathan Taylor



During the 63 years of Queen Victoria's reign, from 1837 to 1901, life in ordinary houses was transformed by a succession of technological developments which we now take for granted: flushing toilets, plumbed-in baths and showers, regular postal deliveries and light fittings capable of illuminating whole rooms at a time.

At the start of the Victorian period most houses were lit by candles and oil lamps. Interior fittings included chandeliers (suspended from the ceiling) and sconces (fixed to the wall). However these were mainly used on special occasions, and most ordinary events after sunset took place using portable light sources such as candlesticks, candelabra (bracketed candlesticks) and oil lamps, and by the light of the fire. By the end of the period gas lighting was common in urban homes and electricity was being introduced in many.


Three types of candle were commonly used at the start of the period; tallow, spermaceti and beeswax. Tallow candles made from animal fat in moulds were the cheapest but they burnt with a smoky flame which produced progressively less and less light - and they stank. Spermaceti wax, made from whale oil, was harder than either beeswax or tallow and was least likely to soften in hot weather. Improvements in the design of the wicks shortly before the Victorian period commenced had eliminated guttering, and the plaited wicks introduced in the 1820s curled out of the flame as they burnt, eliminating the need for constant trimming which plagued earlier candles. By the end of the century the modern paraffin wax candle was the most commonly used, being cheap, odourless and reliable.

Chandeliers, sconces and candelabra varied from their Georgian predecessors in style only, although shades became popular in the taste for sumptuous decoration and richness in the late 19th century. The most significant technological improvements affected various lamps fitted with candles, reflectors and lenses, often with sophisticated spring-loaded mechanisms for ensuring that the flame remained at the same height relative to the lens or shade, forcing the candle to rise as it burnt.

Candlelight was used for most ordinary activities throughout the Victorian period, from dining and playing cards to cooking, particularly in areas where there was no gas, until finally eclipsed by electric light. Photographs of interiors taken by the architectural photographer H Bedford Lemere between 1890 and 1910 (reproduced in The Opulent Eye - see Recommended Reading) show that in the 1890s fashionable hotels and homes were still being lit by candlelight and oil lamps. In the drawing rooms and dining rooms of the wealthy, candelabra were often positioned on the mantlepiece in front of a pier glass mirror, sconces were also common and on the tables there were oil lamps, candlesticks and candelabra, often in addition to gasoliers above. In most cases the candles had shades, some with frills and tassels, others plain, perhaps made of paper. In the photographs taken in the early 20th century, many of the candle fittings seen were empty. The frills and tassels had gone, and the interiors were cool and uncluttered by comparison. Many of the electric light fittings shown were converted chandeliers and sconces with light bulbs protruding from imitation candles, illustrating a nostalgia for the candle which remains as strong today.


Oil had been burnt in lamps at least since the Palaeolithic age, and the cheapest light fittings used in Victorian homes had changed little since then, with a simple wick protruding from a small container of whale oil or vegetable oil. However, much brighter and more sophisticated lamps had emerged late in the 18th century, the most important being the Argand oil lamp. This lamp had a broad flat wick held between two metal cylinders to form a circular wick, with air drawn through it and around it. This in itself was a revolutionary idea, but its inventor, Aimé Argand also discovered that by placing a tube or 'chimney' over the flame, the hot gases from the flame rose rapidly creating a draught and drawing air in from below. Fanned by a draught from both inside and outside the circular wick, the poor spluttering flame of early lamps was transformed into a bright, efficient light source (see illustration).

The one disadvantage for the Argand oil lamp and its many imitators in the early Victorian period was that the best oil then available, colza, was so thick and viscous that it had to be fed to the wick either by gravity from a reservoir above, or pumped up from below. Most colza oil lamps have a reservoir often shaped like a classical urn to one side which in some fittings obstructed the light. The Sinumbra lamp got around the problem by having a circular reservoir around the base of the glass light shade.


One of the most significant improvements of the Victorian period was the introduction of paraffin. Patented in 1850, the price of the new fuel fell dramatically following the discovery of oil in Pennsylvania, USA. As paraffin was much lighter than colza the reservoir could be placed below the flame, enabling many new designs of light fittings. One of the most successful paraffin lamps was the Duplex burner introduced in 1865 which had two wicks side by side and, like the Argand lamp, a clear glass chimney with air drawn from below. Most lamps also had a larger shade around the chimney often of opaque glass to diffuse the light. The shades or diffusers provided an opportunity for decoration, and a variety of shapes, colours and patterns were used.

The amount of light which can be produced by a wick is limited by the surface area of the wick and the amount of fuel and air able to reach it. As fuel burns at the tip of the wick only. The gas mantle, on the other hand, provides a much larger three-dimensional surface, and is far more effective as a result. Invented by Carl Aur von Wesbach in 1885, the incandescent mantle was the last major breakthrough in oil and gas lighting of the period, before both succumbed to electric lighting. The mantle consists of a skirt of silk or cotton impregnated with a non-inflammable mixture (thorium and cerium), suspended over a fierce flame. When first ignited, the cotton burns away leaving fine, brittle filaments of non-combustible material in its place which glow white hot or 'incandescent'. The mantle works best with either gas or a fine mist of paraffin produced by a pressurised reservoir which is still widely used in camping lamps today, producing a bright, warm light to rival an electric bulb.


Gas lighting of buildings and streets began early in the 19th century, with most streets in London lit by gas as early as 1816. But for the first 50 years it was generally distrusted and few homes were lit. After gas fittings were introduced in the new Houses of Parliament in 1859 the tide turned. Fasionable town houses constructed in the 1860s often had a central pendant gas light (that is to say a gas light attached to the ceiling) in each of the principal rooms with a ventilation grille above, cunningly disguised in the deep recesses of the ceiling rose. Gas 'wall brackets' were used in place of the sconce, and some staircases were lit by newel lights attached to the newel post. The largest pendant fittings had several burners and were known as gasoliers.


Before the advent of the incandescent mantle, gas lighting relied on a simple open flame. By the mid 19th century the most common burners produced fan-shaped flames like the Batswing and Fish Tail burners. The Argand burner, which was successfully adapted for gas, was the principal exception with its circular flame.

All these gas light fittings and the early incandescent mantles had to point upwards directing the light towards the ceiling and away from where the light was needed most, and it was not until 1897 that the gas mantle was adapted to burn downwards - a useful event to remember when dating gas fittings.

Simple gas lights incorporated a plain brass, copper or iron gas supply tube with a tap for switching the gas on and off, terminating in a burner shielded from direct view by a shade or globe to diffuse the light. Some burners such as the Argand also incorporated a glass tube or chimney, and around which could be placed a larger shade of glass or silk. Pendant lights could consist of little more than a vertical rod turned at right angles at the end to support the up-turned burner, but they were rarely that simple in the Victorian period. Every element of the gas light offered an opportunity for embellishment. Early pendant fittings often incorporated two or more arms forming a loop, gracefully curving down around the glass lamp shade, with the lamp cradled below. In another design scrolling arms radiated from a central baluster, a design echoed by the scrolling arms of the wall brackets.

The shades provided another opportunity for embellishment. Most glass shades were translucent, either frosted or coloured and were often extremely ornate, with cut glass decoration or etched patterns. The most elaborate shapes appeared at the end of the 19th century when designs reached their most opulent in the Louis XV revival. As well as ornate silk shades on lamps with chimneys, a variety of other more delicate devices were introduced at different times, such as shades of glass beads.

By 1890 main stream taste had begun to change dramatically. Although William Morris, the father of the Arts and Crafts Movement, had established Morris and Co almost 40 years earlier, it was the second generation of craftsmen who started to manufacture products on a larger scale, often adopting the industrial processes reviled by Morris. One of the greatest and most prolific designers of the new style was W A S Benson who, with the encouragement of William Morris, had set up his own workshop making light fittings and other metalwork. His fittings, like those of many of his contemporaries, were mass-produced, selling through Liberty's in London in particular.

The Arts and Crafts style swept out the clutter from the Victorian interior, leaving them lighter and brighter in every sense. Richly decorated surfaces were replaced by plain ones relying on the warmth of natural materials and simple craftsmanship for their interest. Those elements like the fireplaces and light fittings which remained as richly ornamented as ever before took on a new importance, focussing attention. Often the decoration of fittings can be described as 'Art Nouveau' for their graceful, flowing lines and lack of any clear historical influence, but revivalism remained common, and most homes at the turn of the 19th century borrowed heavily from the Tudor and Elizabethan periods in particular.


The rise of the Arts and Crafts movement coincided with the emergence of electric lighting, and although many new homes continued to be built with gas lighting until the First World War, Benson's work and that of other leading Arts and Crafts designers is often associated with electric light fittings.

In 1879 Thomas Edison beat rivals like Sir Joseph Swan to perfect the first viable incandescent light bulb. One year later, Cragside, a rambling mansion near Newcastle designed by Norman Shaw, was the first house to be lit electrically, using Swan's 'electric lamps'.

The light bulb had enormous novelty value and the earliest fittings displayed the bulb quite prominently. Early light bulbs were available in a wide variety of shapes and patterns, often highly ornamented, but as the novelty value wore off and the short life span of the bulb was recognised, attention turned back to the shade and the fittings themselves.

By Queen Victoria's death in January 1901, electric lighting was still in its infancy. Gas lighting was common in the cities and larger towns, supplemented by candles and oil lamps, but in smaller towns and villages and in the countryside lighting remained almost exclusively by candles and oil lamps. All the principal forms of lighting were thus in use at the same time, and it was not until after the First World War that electric lighting finally emerged as the predominant source of light in the home.

Recommended Reading

  • Nicholas Cooper, (with photos by H Bedford Lemere) The Opulent Eye, The Architectural Press Ltd, London, 1976
  • Temple Newsom Country House Studies No4, Country House Lighting 1660-1890, Leeds City Art Galleries, 1992
  • Cecil Meadows, Discovering Oil Lamps, Shire Publications, Princes Risborough, 1972
  • Josie Marsden, Lamps and Lighting, Popular Collectables, Guinness Publishing, Middlesex, 1990


Antique lighting for your period home

Lighting in the Victorian Home

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